Into The Desert

It’s time to enter the desert. 

Recently it has come to my attention that my life was off balance.  I found such fulfillment in my ministry, in helping others find Catholicism, or deepen their faith, that I neglected other areas of my life.  Instead of pouring into my kids, I was pouring into people I’d only had a relationship with through screens.  Instead of having dinner ready every night, I would throw something together because my head was too full of other peoples’ lives. 

Something was very off, and the devil was laughing.  

There’s that saying about “too much of a good thing” and that’s what I had come up against.  While I knew I needed to get my meal plan and my kids’ education figured out, I was constantly concerned about what my next video was about, what I “needed” to share with others.  I didn’t have enough brain power to do it all, so I let my vocation as wife and mother slip to the side, because “God was using me.”

After I came back from my little week-long vacation, I noticed a troubling pattern.  On the days I filmed, or when editing, I barely paid attention to my kids.  I was so consumed with the task at hand that I didn’t see the task at hand.  I found myself being short with my kids, using an abrasive tone, and letting them watch way too much television so that I could do what I really believed was a calling from God.  All the while I had a sinking feeling that the ones I really needed to help were downstairs bickering.  

After much prayer, and Confession, I realized that something had to give. My priorities had once again flip-flopped.  Over the last two and a half years, I found that battle of priorities one I often had to fight.  This time it was going to take more than a week to fix.  As painful as it was, I knew I had to step away from YouTube.  

I asked God to make me little.  

Being an “influencer”, especially in the Catholic arena, is very alluring.  Every day I have at least one person tell me their life is better because they have found my channel: they have gone back to Confession, they’re returning home to the Faith, they are converting, their prayer life is deeper, they feel more able to homeschool their child . . . . The positive results go on and on.  And that’s just it: they’re results.  

Juxtapose that with motherhood: daily tasks are tedious and the same. You may get thanked but it’s not that thoughtful, life-changing thank you that comes from the outside world.  Any effort you make towards guiding these little souls towards Heaven and God Almighty are small, baby steps that don’t elicit huge conversion moments every day. Motherhood is little.  It’s tiring.  And to do it well takes dying to self more often than I would like.  

On top of this realization about motherhood, I pondered how I started my channel close to when I was really picking up speed in my discovery of Catholicism on a deep level.  Everything was new!  It was jarring, being a Cradle Catholic, to discover I only knew a handful of dogma and barely any doctrine.  I had so much energy to share with you, but I never went into the desert. I never learned just to learn. I would read something and immediately want to share, which is my natural personality, but when it comes to the spiritual life, there’s a reason why St Paul went away before he began to preach.  

So, here’s my future game plan for my brand, or whatever you call what I’m doing here:

  1. I must get homeschool planned out. The entire year.  This will take time but it will give me so much peace to have the entire year planned.  
  2. I must get my meal planning done, once and for all.  I found a great podcast that laid out a really solid meal planning binder.  I have tweaked it a bit but it’s getting built slowly and I’m already seeing the fruit from knowing that that major stressor is off my shoulders each day.
  3. I must prepare for Germany.  The Army doesn’t drop orders until a month out but there are lots of things I can do now to prepare, to get ahead.    

Fall is coming.  Ballet resumes in two weeks. Schooling will start in earnest.  Holy days are to be prepared for.  I love this time of year but without preparation it can get overwhelming easily.

Once these tasks are complete (or the Holy Spirit insists on it), I will resume YouTube videos.  In the meantime, I plan on making short IG Stories as little topics come up, I will answer all emails sent my way, I check comments on YouTube, and most of all, I will be here, on this blog.  

I find writing very therapeutic, and quite natural.  Not that this is a great masterpiece, but the words flow well enough that it doesn’t take much time to share my thoughts, or the latest book I’m reading, with you here.  I know reading blogs isn’t for everyone, but this is where God is placing me right now.  It’s humbling and that’s always a good thing.  

I pray you’ll stick with me.   I won’t be gone forever.  I’m hoping 1-2 months gets me where I need to be. I’m working diligently to accomplish the goals I have for myself.  

Again, feel free to email me and reach out.  I’m always happy to hear from you.  

Pax Christi,


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What Laura Likes

First and foremost, I am a Catholic called to share Jesus's love with anyone who will listen! I am also an Army wife to my favorite person and a homeschooling mother of two. I enjoy staying fit and eating well (most of the time) and I am striving to use constantly better myself so as to be closer to God.

10 thoughts on “Into The Desert”

  1. Laura, please take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you are ready. You have help me with my “reversion” to Catholicism, and I couldn’t be more grateful. God bless you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Laura,

    your problem is my problem too, the difference is that I’m only a blogger. I’m happy that you shared your thoughts. It’s a true struggle… a constant battle. Honestly I’ve tried to go into the dessert. 1 year without blogging, commenting and social media. But I failed after less than 4 months. Now I’m trying to do it again with less strict rules and shorter term. I have my changes but only baby steps.

    There is an interesting post from a protestant blog. She uses the same word like you, pouring.

    And there are other interesting post about this topic:

    I think we’ve put so many good stuff on the internet that these can help others without us making new videos/posts, and it’s great to know.

    God bless you, Laura. I hope you can find the balance and will be able to live for your family.


    1. Hi Gazelle,
      Thank you for the comment. It’s quite sneaky how we can be doing this good thing and yet it can distract us from our true path.
      I’m currently reading Jen Fulwiler’s book called One Beautiful Life. I do think she had something with this “blue flame” and I still feel called almost daily to share the Faith with others, but it’s so humbling to set that aside and focus on my weaknesses within family life.
      Motherhood is so hard bc we have this primary role and it’s beautiful but God gives us such great gifts. I think social media can distract us from sharing those gifts with those immediately around us.
      I remember Fr Ripperger saying that if God blesses a woman with intellect, it doesn’t mean she works outside the home, it may mean she uses her natural gifts to teach other moms how to homeschool.
      Social media gives us this beautiful way to connect. But it’s also constant, always needing more.
      Sorry for the long response. I’m in my quiet, contemplative time with God so you got me thinking.
      Thank you for the links! And I’ll check out your blog as well.
      I find that constantly asking God to keep me little helps me stay in the present with my family.
      Pax Christi!


      1. Dear Laura,

        thank you for your response. My blog is in Hungarian and sometimes Google translate is a totally mess, but thanks for checking it!

        I’ve read Jen’s book three times at least and I loved it, hated it, loved it, and now it’s fifty-fifty. I think it’s a great message that be humble enough to accept or ask for help, but the main idea, this blue flame thing is not okay with me. I can love and do things the blue flame-ish way, but if I live for them I can’t live for my family. I pray to God to make my family and home my blue flame! Why not? I think as a woman who is married and is a mother I’m made by God to live for my family and home.

        I don’t want to say bad things about Jen but my impression is about her that she spends too much time on the internet and is an oversharer, and lots of her stuff is about “look at me how funny am I and I’m not that boring bigot Catholic”. Her first book is a gem but the other… no. It looks like to me that for her her blue flame comes first and everybody should help her to live out her God given blue flame. I don’t know maybe I’m totally wrong about her message and life style but when I loved her stuff I suffered as a mom because “my family don’t let me to live out my blue flame, they are too needy etc.”. But when I live out it I don’t have enough attention for my husband, children, home and… God&prayer.

        Now for me the best thing that I can is to give my full attention to God, my family and home, and pray to God to make them my blue flame, my passion, my life.

        I’m an INTP, a nerdy introvert like Jen so I can understand her but I want to give my FULL life to my family and home. Because I can see I can’t concentrate on ministry and family&home at the same time. My mind is full with this or that.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I totally get what you’re saying. I just finished her book and I really loved her story, especially those moments when she embraces those family moments.
        I’m not super aware of her social presence. I had heard her story in the documentary Convinced and enjoyed it. Her book is a sweet look into her life. I try to assume the best out of people, since social media is not truth.
        That said, it’s easy to get wrapped up in posting for the sake of being relevant. It’s definitely a struggle.
        That’s a beautiful prayer and hopefully one every woman would pray. I know right now I have so much peace just cross-stitching and caring for my house and praying and hanging out with my husband and cooking and budgeting, etc. It’s nice to give myself permission to simply live my little life. ❤️
        Of course, I already have a video planned 😂 but it’ll come when it’s time.
        Thanks for the conversation!


      3. Maybe my problem is that I don’t need her message. She is all about “look how bad mom/housekeeper am I but I accept myself and this is funny”. It can be a great stuff for perfectionist moms who clean their house all the time and play with their kids without having rest. But I’m on the other side, lazy and selfish by nature, therefore I need the message that I should clean more and be more with my husband and my kids, not on the internet following my blue flame or other selfish project which gives my dopamine addict brain its drug daily. 😀

        As my last words (I don’t want to disturb you 🙂 ) please let me recommend you two books.

        The first is a fiction, A Lantern In Her Hand by B. S. Aldrich. It’s free on Project Gutenberg:

        I love how she portrays a hard-working Christian woman who had great ambitions and dreams but … I don’t want to spoiler it!

        The other is Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. It’s a Christan self help book for wives, the main message is that you should submit to your husband and serve your family. Her writing style is lively and has true letters from true people and their answer to them. I like it very much.

        So I think nowdays most of the moms need more of “be a better wife, mom and housekeeper” than “accept yourself as a bad mom/housekeeper and follow your personal dreams” stuff. And these two books help a lot having this mindset.

        God bless you and thanks for the conversation!


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